Friday 26 July 2013


When life is getting you down and you don't want to carry on, stick around.  One day you may become a grandparent and then the fun begins.

This morning we were invited by two of our grandchildren to visit their school for Grandparents' Day.  Who could resist?

The parish church was packed to the rafters, the old mixing with the alarmingly young.  If the streets were devoid of seniors today, they were all here, or so it seemed.

After morning tea our granddaughter showed us around her classroom.

Quilt designs, surely.

Apart from all her special friends, we were introduced to the Class Plant.  'Ello, Vera!

There were lots of warm smiles and moist eyes when the class sang You've Got a Friend.

Complete with perfectly co-ordinated hand actions.  What stars.

Walking back to the car, we were stunned to come across a tree in full blossom.  It's mid-winter - what are you thinking of?  

But on reflection, it was so appropriate.  We had just left beautiful children blossoming into tomorrow's promise.  We are in good hands.

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